Celebrating Growth After Major Changes



You won’t believe the changes I have gone through over the last year. 

I couldn’t imagine what life would look like if a major change hadn’t been forced on me a year ago. 

Tomorrow, February 1, 2023, marks the countdown to a big milestone for this business and my life.  I am going to bring you along as I reflect and celebrate the growth and transitions that have happened over the past year, and share the plans and goals for the next year.

Have you ever made a major change after life changed your path? Maybe you feel stuck in the wrong job, relationship, friendship, etc. but don’t know how to move on. I promise you are not alone, and I can tell you from experience that most of us will avoid making major changes if given the option to stay in our comfort zone…even if we stopped being happy or comfortable there long ago.

If this resonates with you; you will love the journey and action steps of how I went from escaping abuse and losing my stressful job to owning my own business in less than a year. I now work from home, spend more time with my kids, volunteer, and have connected with a growing network of motivated and talented women entrepreneurs. 

I can’t wait to share my growth along with the tools and systems that have supported me along the way. I will also share my personal and business goals for the next year, and a sneak peek at some exciting projects that are in the works for LH Consulting. Thank you for being a part of this journey!